Register for Tech Class

Please submit the form below to register for this year’s Tech Class. We will use the submissions received from this form to determine how large the class will be and when our meetings will be scheduled.

If you have questions about Tech Class, the ORHS Marching Band, or any other related subject, please include those questions in your submission. There are several open-ended sections at the end of the form where questions are welcome.

    Student Information

    ORHS music staff will occasionally send required class information via email to both parents and students. ORHS staff may call students if they
    are expected and unaccounted for. This information is never shared outside of ORHS staff.

    Parent/Guardian Information

    ORHS music staff will occasionally send required class information via email to both parents and students. Staff may call parents if their students are
    expected and unaccounted for. This information is never shared outside of ORHS staff.

    Class Preferences

    Please indicate instrument preferences below. Please check all that apply.

    Preferred Instrument *

    Please note: Some of these instruments may not be available during Tech Class nor the fall season.

    ORHS & Marching Band Questionnaire

    Please help us plan for the future. These questions relate to your student's intentions for membership in the ORHS Marching Band.

    Will your student join the ORHS Marching Band in Fall 2017? *

    The ORHS Marching Band is open to 7th and 8th grade Overlook students, and all Oakmont students. The question below helps us plan for any Overlook student who may leave the marching band due to changing schools or school districts.

    Will your student be attending ORHS for 9th-12th grades? *

    Additional Information & Questions

    Please use these questions to provide the ORHS Music staff with any additional information or ask any questions.